The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I feel like Forrest Gump sometimes…….

…when I stop at a traffic-signal sometimes and I see those malnourished girls aged 3-12, begging, being shooed by every motorist. And badly wanting to improve their plight, but all I do is thrust in their hands, the toffee that I find in my pocket.

… when I go to the meeting after lunch, having relished chicken kababs, a nice, juicy sliver of which, is stuck between my buck teeth and I wonder why everyone’s got a ‘I’m –gonna-get sick-any-moment’ look on their face once I start talking.

… when I saw my one-time best friend get in the front of the mike at the elocution competition, holding my speech in hand, when in fact I was the one chosen by a forum of teachers and students to represent my class.

… when people just refuse to see the wise, matured-beyond-the-years me that is held captive in a body of a teenager.

… when I’m lying sick in the hospital, not knowing whether I will survive the next 48 hrs and I hear that a healthy, young person ended her life because she was wasn’t well-prepared for her 12th Std. exams.

… when I look at someone who’s made it to the IAS and wonder if I threw away my true calling by chucking my IAS dream at 21—a dream that I had nourished since the age of 7.

… when I look back at my school-days, when so many girls treated me as more than a confidante and wonder why I never considered them as best friend material, and why on earth I had that blinkered attitude when it came to friendships.

…. When I look at my school and college mates now, all happy, some settled in their dream jobs, some married and some even with twin babies, if I ever have it in my destiny to enjoy the same.

Yes, there will be many more times when I will feel just like Gump. I hope that the little good that I have ever done in my life, knowingly or unknowingly, will pay off in the end, just as it did for Gump-myHero.

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