The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dreams--The kind that you get when you are in Zzzzz-Zzzzzz लैंड.

I've had times when I've almost been scared to sleep at night for fear of getting nightmares। And there've been times when I couldn't wait to get to bed. Needless to say, my dreams have always reflected my fears, hopes and most of all my moods.

In school, whenever I used to read Enid Blyton's books, I used to get these dreams that I call " the bollywood masala" type dreams--full of energy, heroism and excitement, where you are either trying to escape from something or are trying to get hold of something and you finally do succeed. The really strange thing about them is that whenever I get caught by the villains in the end, (I know this sounds crazy) I sort of rewind my dream and direct it to end in the way I want. I've enjoyed these kinds of dreams so much that I wake up with the feeling of having conquered the world. At times, I've even gone as far as cursing mankind's advancement in technology for not yet having developed a machine that could capture our dreams in technicolour so that we can see them afresh the next day with our eyes open. Come to think of it, if such a machine comes out in the market, it would win the gadget of the decade award, hands down. It would be the x-ray machine of the subconscious. Employers would use it to weed out people with criminal intentions and hire only the most ambitious and pleasant people. The first people to buy them would of course be shrinks. They would put their victims to sleep and then watch what is going on in their inner world. But I of course would buy the gadget to make blockbuster movies out of my technicolour dreams.

I've had my share of the odd, weird dreams as well. The one that I particularly remember is the one in which my surgeon( one of the most reputed surgeons, mind you) was dressed up in a bright blue-floral Hawaiian holiday t-shirt with shocking pink shorts. He was doing a weird jig, with a cocktail in one hand, with the other hand on his hip and trying to swirl around like a ballet dancer. Unfortunately I woke up before I had the chance to see him fall on his face. I've never been able to figure out what exactly was going on in my subconscious mind that night.

Someday, when there is hopefully the x-ray dream machine around, I will keep a record of these dreams, and become another Farah Khan!

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